Friday, November 9, 2012

Upstate New York

Driving across the Empire state of New York. I guess I have always heard this area referred to as "Upstate" . Really a big state, its as far from NYC to the western boarder as it is from Tampa to Atlanta. Lots of beautiful land and farms. The farms seem smaller compared to the spreads out west...and they are. Going west to the wide open spaces was a good idea for farmers back when and today its a matter of economics. The bigger you can farm the more machinery you can use and the more money you can make.

When you farm on really large flat plots of land you can use really large machines that quickly give the advantage of economy's of scale. Large farms win every time. This Fulton area of NY has a growing population of Amish . Their method of farming that does not include machinery may be the more reasonable path. No payments on the machinery, no cost for fuel, and free fertilizer. There was a very nice Amish Grandma selling veg's at the Service Plaza near here yesterday and remember it was the day that the nor'easter was blowing in,,,,a ,hard cold wind. She was in the teeth of that wind in her 18th century garb (I can't imagine what was under that all black outfit) and just smiling each time we said hello.

The Amish have made a great commitment to their faith. And, it seems to be paying off because they are a growing faith. Seems many people like the idea of working hard and escaping the crazy life we Englanders lead. But their farms seem smaller and their way seems to suit them just fine. There were some old guys        ( seemed old to me but maybe my age) at the McDonalds ( there is always a group in a McDonalds in the am) and I was among them. They said that if you had a farm..the Amish would buy it...seemed pretty sure that they would too.

Usually when I am "among them" I am in the minority. Or anyway seems that way. But anyway they have not really embraced the whole "hope and change" movement. So, I keep my politics to myself...that way I can listen to hear about there lives.

Being a full fledged employee, driving solo , and making my own choices really does suit me or it does so far.
That is not to say I haven't had some exciting times already.The home office pretty much knows where I go and the exact location of the truck at all times. I sort of picture them with a computer screen watching a rookie as he makes a wrong turn or forgets some really important log entry...standing around laughing at the rookie antics. If that were so or as I move through the day I am fine with whatever...I am trying my best and pretty much doing well. I want to plan better and always remember to go slow and take deep cleansing breathes ( really helps)

If you read the news and listen you would get the idea that rural America is dead or dying. Many of the plant I go to are in a rural setting. I don't agree with the dying idea. It seems that we have so many really neat and prosperous little towns that have a  lovely way of life in them. Its not all just perfect but in spots you can see gentrification has gone on . On this trip Ohio seems to have some great areas. People just living lives that aren't as busy or seemingly not as busy as downtown anywhere is.

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