Sunday, April 1, 2012

OK, Fine

Recently, I was in a discussion about the prospect of a second term for our President, Barack Obama. My right wing friend was crowing about the soon to be decided outcome of the Affordable Care Act and its constitutional question. I don't know how this will turn out but I am encouraged about our President's chances for re-election.
Well, Obama has great poll numbers. The GOP has managed to destroy any base they may have had with women, Hispanics or youth. And, then there is the Affordable Care Act. There are many people already benefiting from this act. If, the Supreme Court does declare it as unconstitutional I am of a mind to say....OK. All the fallout from such a political bomb will fall on the GOP shoulders. There will be so much heart breaking change for so many people who can't afford medical insurance coverage, can't be approved for coverage if they can afford it and can't change jobs because of the need to keep the coverage they need. Will the voters like it when big med and big pharm see record stock price increases? You see, they will no longer have to control how they manage their margins so that 80% goes to care of premium payers. It will be the "good old days" again for all the medical industry special interest groups. So while coverage will be denied to those that want to buy coverage the medical insurance companies will make billions in the "so called" free market. Obama care was already working to provide coverage for those that were being denied coverage. Why do people without coverage go to the emergency room for help ? The cost to all of us is very high when they get treated in the ER. And, the care they get in the emergency room is not what it should be because most of these medical problems could have been more efficiently managed with preventable care that comes from having a medical plan. The Obama care ...Affordable Care Act would take care of this problem. Well then, if the Supreme Court in the land declares a law to be Unconstitutional then the law was wrong...right. Maybe in civics class but in the real world politics of Washington D.C. I am thinking that there is a pretty clear 5 to 4 party line voting history in the current court. Which brings it all back to re-reelecting Obama in November and changing the court more in this Liberals favor.On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 9:23 AM, George Allen wrote:

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