Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Are we really That Polarized ?

Candidate Santorum faced reality yesterday and dropped out of the race for the Republican Party nomination. He did the math and, facing a defeat in his home state, he realized that dropping out was the best thing. So, now all the far right wing crazies have dropped out. Well, I guess Newt is still in but he just loves the attention too much to do the reasonable thing.

As a liberal I had several things I expected from President Obama. Single payer universal health care, Cap and trade, high speed trains, a dollar tax on each gallon of gas and total withdrawal from War were all on my extremist list of liberal wants. Pretty early in this first term for President Obama it became clear that not all of my wish list would come to be reality. It is just too extreme. I get that.

The Republican right wing Tea Party needs to get it too. Compromise is not evil and the radical position that says compromise is evil is starting to lose its grip. That favorite son of the crazy right is faltering. He is losing advertisers and he is now losing affiliates. Rush L. has been spewing his form of sophomoric, parent testing form of hyperbole for a very long time. He also has been on a campaign to stop any compromise all along the way. Glenn B. is ....where is he....haven't heard. He to is gone because all that scary stuff that came from his mouth that just would not pass the fact checkers. Both of these shock jocks play so loose with the facts and always take the extreme view while saying that compromise is some kind of bad thing.

You can have a government that has No compromise because its been done before. Lets see, that would be those famous for no compromise...look under Hitler, Stalin, Ceasar, Henry VIII, Mao...
All of these guys were ultimate failures for the people they were supposed to be serving.

Maybe this primary system really does work after all. The GOP will have a candidate that has demonstrated an ability to work out some compromises and craft laws in one of the most liberal states ...ever. ( Only state McGovern carried.....and yes I voted for him too). Romney got plenty of good laws passed in Massachusetts and it could not have been easy. By running Romney the GOP is moving to the middle just like Obama did when we ended up with the Affordable Care Act. Its not as satisfying as getting everything you want....but its real. remember.."You Can't Always Get What You Want....You Get What You Need."

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