Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Black Ops

What a glorious day to drive across the northern plains . Farmers are working in their fields,  the ground is very dry, and the intended use for the Interstate system is coming to fruition. ( that was a little teaser)
This ride has been from Gaffney,SC to Aberdeen,ID . I am hauling 30 tons of sweet taters to a Simplot Plant up in Idaho.

Driving along, I see farmers working hard on the contours of the ground. They use terraces in some  areas to maximize the arable space and still maintain soil conservation.  You can tell where they have worked the dirt because of the different colors of the ground....some looks pretty fresh. Speaking of dirt...all the pictures of the great dust bowl ..all of the topsoil blown away, and I wonder...how did they get all that dirt back. I know there are soil conservation districts and there are all kinds of farming practices in place to stop such a calamity from recurring. But really, soil was blown away...but we still have soil....just wondering??

Everywhere you see a tractor or a plow or a pickup truck there is surefire signs that it is very dry out here.
Plumes of dust billow up behind everything that moves. So I guess the drought still goes on...we need rain.
All the riverbeds are dry and the little farm ponds are dry too.

It can be alarming to see a soldier or policeman standing guard with an automatic weapon. But try a convoy of Humvees armed to the teeth , with machine guns at the ready on the turrets on top of the vehicle. There were at least twenty vehicles in all....rolling along with their lights flashing and convoy signs posted on the backs of the green camo army Humvees  In the middle there way a rather large truck that  looked high tech and special purpose.

Just after I passed the convoy, didn't have the nerve to snap a photo, I had to stop at the always feared "Wyoming Port of Entry" and show my papers. Its always a possibility that those folks at the POE...will require an inspection....never a good thing. But other truckers were standing around and we all were talking about the convoy. Turns out the inspection officer was well aware of the convoy. He said it was missile related and that you should not mess with them. Just then , a black hawk came flying in over us following the convoy. Point taken...convoy...I didn't see any convoy.

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