Sunday, July 22, 2012

Riding to Memphis

Our driver was a very nice guy , based out of Memphis, he has a soft spoken way about him….But,  then he says”now folks usually you could get off the bus at this point” we were arriving at the Memphis Greyhound terminal.
He continues,” at this time some police officers will pass up and down the aisle to check your bags".
After this we were told to get off the bus and  stand against the wall while all our luggage was lined up . Then a nice grey muzzled doggy very quickly moved in out and around all of  our bags. One lady made a decision to just grab her bag and walk away…the rest of us stayed put. The net result of this was a young man and his luggage ended up leaving the station with the police. Very bad luck on his part. The lady that walked away was brought back...very respectfully and was cleared through our K-9 friend. 

How many times have I thought about air travel . People used to get dressed up for their ride on an airplane. Now, everybody goes by plane and its really kind of funky that everyone is all dressed in their warm-ups and practically carrying chickens. All I can say about Bus travel is that it is even much more so. It is a very crazy show for those of us that enjoy watching people.

There are plenty of people down on their luck in our country….they are traveling the best way the know how….hey the bus is cheap. It is good for me to be in a minority…cause for sure I am  while riding on the bus.  

It is a small world. Two ladies that sat behind me both work in metro Atlanta . But they both come from a small town in Arkansas and just by some sort of magic they sat next to each other on the bus…they started talking and OMG they were having fun laughing about the luck of finding each other. They quickly made plans to share a rental car from Memphis and get on home to their respective family reunions. The country talk, their laughing about their small town…very sweet and entertaining.

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