Friday, March 16, 2012

"Teach Your Children Well"

Its March Madness, and the Southern Mississippi Rebels have already made their mark. Not by making the most baskets...would have been nice. No, their fans were chanting to a Kansas State player that he needed to get his Green Card while he took his foul shots. Their racism was so gross that the Southern Miss. college president quickly apologised with "deep regrets". We are so proud.

Well, I am happy that the college has enough sense to at least put a good public face on the state of racism in the great state of Mississippi. While on the stage of the NCAA basketball tournament we would not want to display overt racism...wouldn't be right. Read about it;

While the kids are being reprimanded for their racism at the NCAA tourney their state leaders are proceeding with their own agenda at the Mississippi State House. The Legislature in Miss. is controlled in both houses by the GOP and the Governor is a Republican so it follows that they are in the process of passing an immigration law similar to the Arizona's and unfortunately the law we have here in Georgia. The kids will always share the truth...and in this case the truth is ugly. Create a law that singles out those with brown skin, arrest them and remove them from our streets. Call them illegal and teach your children to hate them simply because they are looking for the chance we have had and they have brown skin.

Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to undocumented workers, Congress was supposed to pass a comprehensive immigration law and didn't. So for over 25 years the USA was exploiting the labor of those brown skinned workers and benefiting hugely by their labor. These undocumented have families, houses, kids and lives here in the USA. As a country we have a responsibility for all of those that came, worked , and created a life. There is no doubt in my mind that our implicit allowance for their coming and going to the USA carrys a responsibility for fairness. And then, there are the words on the Statue of Liberty;

"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shores.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

Every day some poor soul will be pulled over for some minor traffic infraction and after their rights as human beings have been trampled on they will ultimately be sent back to Mexico. So much for probable cause, so much for the words on the Statue of Liberty. Our police will pull you over and because you are brown skinned and undocumented we'll mess with your life and your rights as a human being.

Those kids from the state of Mississippi were only saying what their state leaders were telling them was OK to say. Unfortunately we won't be getting any apologies from the parents of Mississippi or Georgia, or Arizona because the "Golden Door" is closed.

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